Spicy Pickled Grapes

Spicy Pickled Grapes

Spicy Pickled Grapes

3lbs of seedless grapes, washed.

1cup 50/50 mixture apple cider vinegar & white vinegar

½ cup sugar

4 sticks of cinnamon

2-3 yellow pickled peppers sliced

1 sliced Jalapeno, (remove seeds if necessary).

Sliced Gingerroot (your choice)

Teaspoon allspice seasoning

Hot sauce (your choice, don’t forget to say when)

Combine all ingredients & bring to a boil, reduce heat & simmer until sugar is dissolved.

Place grapes in a large glass bowl w/ lid 

Pour liquid over grapes, 

Cover, cool, then place in fridge 12 hours to overnight for best results.

TD’s Just a Tip:  I found this recipe handwritten on a piece of paper in a cookbook, I couldn’t read all my own handwriting.  I now use these grapes in my Chicken Salad recipe.  It’s also a favorite for movie night.